Saturday, May 15, 2010

He Really Is Love

I don't know about you, but the "School of Hard Knocks" has made me one pretty tough chick. I am not a cryer. Well, I can't say that I'm completely immune, but it takes a lot.

Nine years ago, I knew something wasn't right when the then-owner of our house made it clear that the house would sell "as-is". I don't like being suspicious of others anymore than you do, but that school I mentioned above will do that to a person. I knew something wasn't right about this man's lack of disclosure, so I told my husband we should have the house inspected. After all, that had saved me a bundle when I didn't purchase that other house years earlier because it had failed its inspection. My kind, trusting husband, on the other hand, felt forking over an extra $300 or so was a waste of money.

We began having trouble about 6 months after moving into the house, and it has plagued us ever since. We've had the septic system pumped several times, and my dear husband has plunged, blown up tubes, snaked, and no-telling what else to try to get our plumbing into normal operation, all to no avail. Every few months or so, there we were again, with something stopped up.

Well, dear husband got his fill of it and decided we were handling this situation, once and for all. So I was sitting at the table paying bills last week while the plumbers trekked in and out with huge snakes, a super plunger, a camera, and their icky, poopy-germy workboots. (I'm SURE of it, because I could see those little buggers in my mind. EEUUUUW!)The problem turned out to be one that, lo and behold, my jack-of-all-trades husband would not be able to fix, so I had the privilege of hiring the plumbers to spend the following day with the me. When they told me the cost, I went into worry mode. We already had to replace our septic system, then there's the new roof we have to buy, and now another $850? I managed to hold it together until they left, then I lost it.

Fast forward a week, and I am praising God for getting us through yet another bind. It turns out that our insurance is covering the roof because it had hail damage. Because we are savers, we were able to pay the plumbing company the day of the service. We had planned to use our income tax refund to pay off some bills, but we'll be using it to replace that septic system. And, the strangest things have happened in the meantime. No one gives us money, but people have been giving us small amounts of money for services we don't even charge for.

As I pondered this, I thought about how God knew that I would sit at that table, crying and worrying over finances. Nothing surprises Him. The Word tells us not to worry because it solves nothing, but I don't know a person who hasn't done it. I began to think about how I would feel if one of my children was upset like that. I would set out to fix the problem (unless my remedy would cause him pain in the long run) and that's just what my Heavenly Father did for me. He had compassion for His child, and He fixed it.

I've been learning as much as I can from this situation, but, right now, I'm basking in God's love for me. It's so wonderful, and that's enough for today.

Take time to enjoy your blessings today. They're all around you.

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